I den nionde utgåvan av danska Ark Journal (vår/sommar 2023) behandlas temat kreativitet och arbete genom att ställa frågan ”Vad finns redan?”. Magasinet tar med läsaren på en 240 sidor lång resa som löper genom hem och museer i Köpenhamn, den mexikanska djungeln och en takvåning i Antwerpen – du kan också ta dig en titt i den legendariske formgivaren Yrjö Kukkapuros studio och hem! Du kan välja mellan fyra olika omslag till Ark Journal.
- Ark Journal Volume IX uses the question ‘What is already there?’ to examine the creativity and hard work that go into new projects and those involving renovation, restoration and extension.
- We delve into the architectural heritage of Copenhagen and visit the listed and renovated Copenhagen apartment of an artist couple. A photo essay by architect Mathias Mentze captures Thorvaldsen Museum, and a special insert showcases the work of Copenhagen-based artist Albert Grøndahl.
- A Mexican gallery couple has transformed a series of ruins into a home filled with art that blends indoor and outdoor spaces, maintaining the existing structures and incorporating them into a harmonious blend of old and new.
- The architectural and design practice of Fanny Bauer Grung and David Lopez Quincoces in Milan.
- Volume IX finds residences and spaces where design has a profound physical and emotional impact: the studio and home of Finnish master designer Yrjö Kukkapuro, a home in Oaxaca open to the jungle, a transparent Antwerp penthouse, a modest but soulful mid-century house in Los Angeles, and many more.
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